Sanktsioonide nimekirjad
24.10.2024 04:30:49

Hannover Esteban Guerrero Mijares


Tüüp Üksikisik
Sugu Mees
Loendi nimi Ühendkuningriik
Programmid (1) Venezuela
Loetellu kandmise kuupäev (1) 27.09.2019

Nimed/Pealkirjad (1)

Perekonnanimi/Nimi Guerrero Mijares
Eesnimi/Tiitel Hannover
Keskmine nimi/Nimi Esteban
Täielik nimi/Tiitel Hannover Esteban Guerrero Mijares
Tüüp Eesnimi
Kirjeldus (1) Appointed to DGCIM’s (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence): Capital District (August 2021) (2) Former DGCIM Director of Investigations (3) Oversees DGCIM headquarters in Boleita (4) Second-in-Command and Chief of the General Staff of 35th Military Police Brigade (August 2020)
Märge Colonel

Rahvused (1)

Riik VE

Sünnikuupäev (1)

Riik VE

Isikut tõendavad dokumendid (1)

Tüüp Individual National ID Number: 10537738

Põhjendus (3)

Second-in-Command and Chief of the General Staff of 35 Military Police Brigade and former DGCIM’s Director of Investigations. Former Director of Investigations at the Directorate- General of Military Counterintelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)) from at least April 2019 to August 2019. Believed to currently hold a role in the DGCIM Capital Region. As Head of Investigations, he supervised the DGCIM facility in Boleita. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that he is involved in the commission of serious human rights violations, including torture, excessive use of force and the ill-treatment of detainees committed by him and also by officials under his command, particularly in Boleita. Linked to the death of Captain Acosta.
Second-in-Command and Chief of the General Staff of 35 Military Police Brigade and former DGCIM’s Director of Investigations. Former Director of Investigations at the Directorate- General of Military Counterintelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)) from at least April 2019 to August 2019. Believed to currently hold a role in the DGCIM Capital Region. As Head of Investigations, he supervised the DGCIM facility in Boleita. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that he is involved in the commission of serious human rights violations, including torture, excessive use of force and the ill-treatment of detainees committed by him and also by officials under his command, particularly in Boleita. Linked to the death of Captain Acosta.
Head of Investigations at the Directorate- General of Military Counter-Intelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)) from at least April 2019 to August 2019.As Head of Investigations he supervised the DGCIM facility in Boleita.Responsible for serious human rights violations, including torture, excessive use of force and the ill-treatment of detainees committed by him and also by officials under his command, particularly in Boleita.Linked to the death of Captain Acosta.

Ajaloolised andmed

Nimed/Pealkirjad (2)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Perekonnanimi/Nimi Guerrero Mijares
Eesnimi/Tiitel Hannover
Keskmine nimi/Nimi Esteban
Täielik nimi/Tiitel Colonel Guerrero Mijares Hannover Esteban
Tüüp Peamine hüüdnimi
Kirjeldus Director of Investigation at Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (General Directorate of Military Counter-Intelligence) (DGCIM) and oversees DGCIM headquarters in Boleita.
Märge Colonel
Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 29.01.2022 05:15)
Perekonnanimi/Nimi Guerrero Mijares
Eesnimi/Tiitel Hannover
Keskmine nimi/Nimi Esteban
Täielik nimi/Tiitel Guerrero Mijares Hannover Esteban
Tüüp Peamine hüüdnimi
Kirjeldus Director of Investigation at Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (General Directorate of Military Counter-Intelligence) (DGCIM) and oversees DGCIM headquarters in Boleita.

Rahvused (1)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Riik VE

Sünnikuupäev (1)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Riik VE

Isikut tõendavad dokumendid (1)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Tüüp National ID Number: 10537738
Taastatud: 24.10.2024. 04:15
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