Sanktsioonide nimekirjad
24.10.2024 06:19:13

Antonio Jose Benavides Torres


Tüüp Üksikisik
Sugu Mees
Loendi nimi Ühendkuningriik
Programmid (1) Venezuela
Loetellu kandmise kuupäev (1) 22.01.2018
Märge Former General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) until 21 June 2017

Nimed/Pealkirjad (2)

Perekonnanimi/Nimi Benavides Torres
Eesnimi/Tiitel Antonio
Keskmine nimi/Nimi Jose
Täielik nimi/Tiitel Antonio Jose Benavides Torres
Tüüp Eesnimi
Kirjeldus (1) National Assembly (NA) Deputy for the Capital District (since January 2021) and member of NA’s Permanent Commission on Administration and Services (2) Former Chief of the Capital District (Districto Capital) until January 2018 (3) Former General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) until June 2017.
Märge Chief
Täielik nimi/Tiitel Antonio José Benavides Torres
Tüüp Mitte ladina kirjas

Rahvused (1)

Riik VE

Aadressid (1)

Riik VE

Sünnikuupäev (1)


Põhjendus (3)

National Assembly (NA) (2021) Deputy for the Capital District and member of the NA’s Permanent Commission on Administration and Service. Chief of the Capital District (Distrito Capital) until January 2018. General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard until 21 June 2017. There are reasonable grounds to suspect he has been involved in repression of civil society and democratic opposition in Venezuela and involved in the commission of serious human rights violations committed by the Bolivarian National Guard under his command. Further, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that his actions and policies as General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard, including the Bolivarian National Guard taking the lead in the policing of civilian demonstrations and publicly advocating that military courts should have jurisdiction over civilians, have undermined the rule of law in Venezuela.
National Assembly (NA) (2021) Deputy for the Capital District and member of the NA’s Permanent Commission on Administration and Service. Chief of the Capital District (Distrito Capital) until January 2018. General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard until 21 June 2017. There are reasonable grounds to suspect he has been involved in repression of civil society and democratic opposition in Venezuela and involved in the commission of serious human rights violations committed by the Bolivarian National Guard under his command. Further, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that his actions and policies as General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard, including the Bolivarian National Guard taking the lead in the policing of civilian demonstrations and publicly advocating that military courts should have jurisdiction over civilians, have undermined the rule of law in Venezuela.
Chief of the Capital District (Distrito Capital) Government until January 2018.General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard until 21 June 2017.Involved in repression of civil society and democratic opposition in Venezuela, and responsible for serious human rights violations committed by the Bolivarian National Guard under his command.His actions and policies as General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard, including the Bolivarian National Guard taking the lead in the policing of civilian demonstrations and publically advocating that military courts should have jurisdiction over civilians, have undermined the rule of law in Venezuela.

Ajaloolised andmed

Nimed/Pealkirjad (2)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 29.01.2022 05:15)
Perekonnanimi/Nimi Benavides Torres
Eesnimi/Tiitel Antonio
Keskmine nimi/Nimi Jose
Täielik nimi/Tiitel Benavides Torres Antonio Jose
Tüüp Peamine hüüdnimi
Kirjeldus Chief Distrito Capital Government until January 2018.Former General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) until 21 June 2017
Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Perekonnanimi/Nimi Benavides Torres
Eesnimi/Tiitel Antonio
Keskmine nimi/Nimi Jose
Täielik nimi/Tiitel Chief Benavides Torres Antonio Jose
Tüüp Peamine hüüdnimi
Märge Chief

Rahvused (1)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Riik VE

Aadressid (1)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Riik VE
Täielik aadress Caracas Venezuela

Sünnikuupäev (1)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)

Isikut tõendavad dokumendid (1)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Tüüp Further Identifiying Information: Former General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) until 21 June 2017
Taastatud: 24.10.2024. 05:15
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