Alexander Granko Arteaga
Tüüp | Üksikisik |
Sugu | Mees |
Loendi nimi | Ühendkuningriik |
Programmid (1) | Venezuela |
Loetellu kandmise kuupäev (1) | 27.09.2019 |
Nimed/Pealkirjad (2)
Perekonnanimi/Nimi | Granko Arteaga |
Eesnimi/Tiitel | Alexander |
Täielik nimi/Tiitel | Alexander Granko Arteaga |
Tüüp | Eesnimi |
Kirjeldus | Director of the DAE (Special Affairs Division) of the Director General of Military Counter-Intelligence |
Perekonnanimi/Nimi | Arteaga |
Eesnimi/Tiitel | Alexander |
Keskmine nimi/Nimi | Enrique |
Täielik nimi/Tiitel | Alexander Enrique Arteaga |
Tüüp | Sõna variatsioon |
Kirjeldus | Director of the DAE (Special Affairs Division) of the Director General of Military Counter-Intelligence |
Märge | Major |
Rahvused (1)
Riik | Venezuela |
Sünnikuupäev (1)
Sünniaeg | |
Riik | Venezuela |
Isikut tõendavad dokumendid (1)
Tüüp | Individual National ID Number: 14970215 |
Põhjendus (3)
Head (Director) of the Special Affairs Division (DAE) of the Directorate-General of Military Counterintelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)). Promoted to Colonel in July 2020. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that he is responsible for serious human rights violations, including torture, excessive use of force causing death and injury and the ill-treatment of detainees in DGCIM facilities committed by himself and officials under his command. There are also, reasonable grounds to suspect he is involved in the repression of civil society by members of DGCIM under his command, as well as directly involved in such repression. In particular, he is l Linked to the death of Captain Acosta. |
Head (Director) of the Special Affairs Division (DAE) of the Directorate-General of Military Counter-Intelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)).Responsible for serious human rights violations, including torture, excessive use of force causing death and injury and the ill-treatment of detainees in DGCIM facilities committed by himself and also officials under his command. Also responsible for the repression of civil society by members of DGCIM under his command, as well as directly involved in such repression. Linked to the death of Captain Acosta. |
Head (Director) of the Special Affairs Division (DAE) of the Directorate-General of Military Counterintelligence (Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM)). Promoted to Colonel in July 2020. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that he is responsible for serious human rights violations, including torture, excessive use of force causing death and injury and the ill-treatment of detainees in DGCIM facilities committed by himself and officials under his command. There are also, reasonable grounds to suspect he is involved in the repression of civil society by members of DGCIM under his command, as well as directly involved in such repression. In particular, he is l Linked to the death of Captain Acosta. |
Ajaloolised andmed
Nimed/Pealkirjad (3)
Olek | Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Perekonnanimi/Nimi | Granko Arteaga |
Eesnimi/Tiitel | Alexander |
Täielik nimi/Tiitel | Major Granko Arteaga Alexander |
Tüüp | Peamine hüüdnimi |
Kirjeldus | Director of the DAE (Special Affairs Division) of the Director General of Military Counter-Intelligence |
Märge | Major |
Olek | Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 29.01.2022 05:15) |
Perekonnanimi/Nimi | Granko Arteaga |
Eesnimi/Tiitel | Alexander |
Täielik nimi/Tiitel | Granko Arteaga Alexander |
Tüüp | Peamine hüüdnimi |
Kirjeldus | Director of the DAE (Special Affairs Division) of the Director General of Military Counter-Intelligence |
Olek | Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Perekonnanimi/Nimi | Granko Arteaga |
Eesnimi/Tiitel | Alexander |
Keskmine nimi/Nimi | Enrique |
Täielik nimi/Tiitel | Granko Arteaga Alexander Enrique |
Tüüp | AKA (tuntud ka kui) |
Kirjeldus | Director of the DAE (Special Affairs Division) of the Director General of Military Counter-Intelligence |
Rahvused (1)
Olek | Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Riik | Venezuela |
Sünnikuupäev (1)
Olek | Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Sünniaeg | |
Riik | Venezuela |
Isikut tõendavad dokumendid (1)
Olek | Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Tüüp | National ID Number: 14970215 |
Taastatud: 06.01.2025. 17:16
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