Sanktsioonide nimekirjad
13.03.2025 21:48:00

Yusuf Al-Madani


Tüüp Üksikisik
Sugu Mees
Loendi nimi Ühendkuningriik
Programmid (1) Yemen
Loetellu kandmise kuupäev (1) 10.11.2021
Märge Al-Madani is listed for his involvement in and leadership of Houthi military campaigns that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Yemen thereby meeting the criteria for designation as laid out in Paragraph 17 of Resolution 2140 (2014). Al-Madani is a prominent leader of Houthi forces and is the commander of forces in Hudaydah, Hajjah, Al Mahwit, and Raymah, Yemen. As of 2021, Al-Madani was assigned to the offensive targeting Marib. Persistent Houthi repositioning and other violations of the ceasefire provisions of the Hudaydah Agreement have destabilized a city that serves as a critical thoroughfare for humanitarian and essential commercial commodities. Additionally, there are regular reports of Houthi attacks impacting civilians and civilian infrastructure in and around Hudaydah, further exacerbating the situation for Yemenis facing some of the highest levels of humanitarian need in the country.

Nimed/Pealkirjad (2)

Perekonnanimi/Nimi Al-Madani
Eesnimi/Tiitel Yusuf
Täielik nimi/Tiitel Yusuf Al-Madani
Tüüp Eesnimi
Kirjeldus (1) Major General (2) Commander of the Houthi’s Fifth Military Region
Täielik nimi/Tiitel يوسف المداني
Tüüp Mitte ladina kirjas

Rahvused (1)

Riik Jeemen

Aadressid (1)

Riik Jeemen

Sünnikuupäev (1)

Koht Muhatta Directorate, Hajjah Province
Riik Jeemen

Ajaloolised andmed

Nimed/Pealkirjad (2)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Perekonnanimi/Nimi AL-MADANI
Eesnimi/Tiitel YUSUF
Täielik nimi/Tiitel AL-MADANI YUSUF
Tüüp Peamine hüüdnimi
Kirjeldus (1) Major General (2) Commander of the Houthi’s Fifth Military Region
Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 10.12.2021 05:15)
Perekonnanimi/Nimi AL-MADANI
Eesnimi/Tiitel YUSUF
Täielik nimi/Tiitel AL-MADANI YUSUF
Tüüp Peamine hüüdnimi
Kirjeldus Commander of the Houthi’s Fifth Military Region

Aadressid (1)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Riik Jeemen
Täielik aadress Yemen

Sünnikuupäev (1)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Koht Muhatta Directorate, Hajjah Province
Riik Jeemen

Isikut tõendavad dokumendid (1)

Olek Ajalooline (viimati aktiivne 28.02.2022 05:16)
Tüüp Further Identifiying Information: Al-Madani is listed for his involvement in and leadership of Houthi military campaigns that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Yemen thereby meeting the criteria for designation as laid out in Paragraph 17 of Resolution 2140 (2014). Al-Madani is a prominent leader of Houthi forces and is the commander of forces in Hudaydah, Hajjah, Al Mahwit, and Raymah, Yemen. As of 2021, Al-Madani was assigned to the offensive targeting Marib. Persistent Houthi repositioning and other violations of the ceasefire provisions of the Hudaydah Agreement have destabilized a city that serves as a critical thoroughfare for humanitarian and essential commercial commodities. Additionally, there are regular reports of Houthi attacks impacting civilians and civilian infrastructure in and around Hudaydah, further exacerbating the situation for Yemenis facing some of the highest levels of humanitarian need in the country.
Taastatud: 13.03.2025. 21:15
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